Investments Sustainability

AISM seeks to create positive returns by applying a sustainable investment approach, which implies the integration of sustainability risks in our investment decision-making processes.

ESG Policy and Strategy

AISM has developed its internal policies and investment processes to ensure that the companies the funds invest in, meet its expectations in terms of sustainability, according to each fund investment strategy.

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Methodology summary
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The Company manages some funds which comprise environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors in the investment process and strategy.

Kyron ESG Equity Absolute Return Fund
Kyron ESG Global Equity Fund
Kyron Global Corporate ESG Bond Fund
Kyron Sustainable Long-Short European Equity Fund

Operating approach

The integration of ESG criteria relies on three pillars: exclusion, research, disclosure.

1. Exclusion
2. Research
3. Disclosure

AISM avoids investing in issuers which operate in sectors that AISM considers unethical, not sustainable or harmful to the environment, people or social relationships.

AISM excludes from investable issuers those with significant revenues exposure in sectors such as pornography, controversial weapons and tobacco. Other issuers may be excluded on the basis of their involvement in severe controversies on child labour, human rights violations, or bribery and corruption.

Please find here the full list of excluded issuers. Such issuers, excluded from the investable universe, are however eligible as short target investments for sub-funds that implement a long/short strategy.

Next pillar

AISM will identify, through internal due diligence, which are the best opportunities within the investable issuers.

For the purpose of its due diligence AISM will take into consideration ESG Ratings or Scores (hereafter “ESG Ratings”) to assess the opportunity to invest in an issuer, as well as the involvement of such issuer in serious controversies.

You can find additional information in the Policy on the integration of sustainability risks.

The entire activity of monitoring, due diligence and respect of the ESG policy is enhanced by updates delivered by external providers or advisors.

Where updated data would lead to consider an invested asset as ineligible, AISM aims to analyse such data and take an investment decision within one month from their integration.

Next pillar

AISM will produce regular reports with the ESG profile of the funds concerned and in compliance with the applicable regulations, at least on an annual basis.

Such reports can be found in the statutory annual report of the fund concerned, or in the page of each sub-fund that the ESG Policy applies to.

You can find additional information in the Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors.

Voluntary Positive Impact

Some of the Sustainable Development Goals listed by the United Nations are equivalent to the objectives defined by our ESG policy; however, within the same framework, the fund manager may favor issuers actively promoting other SDGs not directly included in the Policy.


Socially Responsible Investing is a qualitative and discretionary approach, and it must be considered within a general financial and economic investment process. We are committed to respecting the quantitative limits specified in this policy, but the overall approach goes beyond that. AISM is convinced that it is an enhancement, and it can bring added value to the world and its investors. Besides that, there is no guarantee that the criteria adopted and opinion expressed by the fund manager will be in line with those of a particular investor. Adopting the ESG criteria is not a guarantee of positive or better performance.

Information is gathered from sources available to investors and third-party reporting and analysis. Accuracy and completeness of data, analysis, and reporting cannot be guaranteed.

Contact us

21 Rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 27 85 47 1

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